For Immediate Release
Vitasoy Launches HK’s First Beverage Carton Recycling Reward Scheme
Increase Collection Volume to Reduce Landfill Pressure
Awards made from 100% recycled beverage carton pulp to reach a circular economy
Hong Kong, June 3, 2021 – Vitasoy Hong Kong (“Vitasoy”) is pleased to announce the launch of HK’s first Beverage Carton Clean Recycling Reward Scheme!
Vitasoy introduced the Beverage Carton Clean Recycling Education Programme in 2019, which combines community and in-school education initiatives to build awareness of the importance of clean recycling. At the moment, more than 380 collection points have been widely used across the city. The Reward Scheme has been designed to complement the Education Programme to establish public sustainable recycling habits and increase the collection of used beverage cartons for clean recycling, which will contribute to reducing the amount of waste sent to Hong Kong’s limited landfill space.
The Reward Scheme includes four categories: schools, recycling centres/organisations, housing estates and others. Participants from each category will compete for the highest monthly average weight of recyclables during the entire year for the chance to win the gold, silver, bronze and merit awards. The organisation, regardless of category, with the highest accumulated weight of recyclables in 2021 will win the overall championship. All participants will be rewarded with certificates of appreciation made from 100% recycled beverage carton pulp to help support the development of local circular economy.
Vitasoy who has corporated with Mil Mill, an NGO and local designers to produce certificates with recycled beverage carton pulp at earlier time. Prizes to be designed for this new Reward Scheme will be a new innovation from recycled beverage carton pulp.
Attachment: Details of the first Beverage Carton Recycling Reward Scheme
Photo Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QptPaGd7s1FETlyGCEHlCwKoozpQPU0g?usp=sharing
Photo 1: Certificate made from the pulp of beverage cartons collected in Hong Kong.
About Vitasoy: www.vitavitasoy.com
Media enquiries:
Alice Chen
Vitasoy International Holdings Limited
Tel.: 2468 9644
Fax: 2465 1008
Email: publicrelations@vitasoy.com